With the optimal security system in place, you can eliminate threats and focus on business.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention
When properly implemented, data security strategies will protect your personal or organization’s information against cybercriminal activities, as well as human error. Talk to us about securing your digital information from unauthorized access and data corruption.
Security Cameras
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Multi - Device Monitoring
Multi-device management platforms serve as gatekeepers, evaluating and monitoring the devices that are connecting to the network or server and imposing limitations that align with your corporate policies and security objectives. MDM platforms are able to:
Filter what areas of the internet and database are accessible to various users.
Scan connecting devices to make sure they meet your minimum requirements in terms of operating system and hardware.
Ensure specific security measures are implemented on a device before it is allowed to connect to a network and access company databases or software.
Segregate data within your corporate database, so sensitive information is not accessible to employees using a personal device.
Monitor user activity and devices, cutting access to devices and users who are displaying suspicious behavior patterns. Some MDM platforms include malware and virus detection capabilities, too.
Establish a record of each user's actions.
Managed Firewall & Anti - Virus
Firewalls are your first line of defense in network security. Edge Networks delivers 24/7 cybersecurity protection to keep your information safe.